Clinical Medical Monitoring

Ensuring Patient’s Safety is Your Priority, Navigating Disjointed Data is Not

Experience a tailor-made medical review experience built for and by clinicians

Graphic Patient Profiles

  • Assess the patient’s longitudinal journey through the study with dynamic, stacked graphs to compare safety endpoints and efficacy parameters over time
  • Quickly see patient summaries and toggle between data visualizations to identify correlations between data points at the subject level
  • Review prior review notes and document further actions needed without leaving the screen
  • Identify data changes since the last patient profile review to increase focus and save time

Streamlined Patient Review Workflows

  • Systematically triage subjects ready for medical review based on subject status and data completeness indicators
  • Create digital checklists to support consistency and completeness of medical review tasks across subjects and medical reviewers
  • Enable composite triggers that alert clinicians of events that require expedited review

Advanced Safety Analytics

  • Visualize analyte changes over time, see relationships between safety/dosing parameters using interactive graphs with robust drill down capabilities
  • See related actions and queries created by other central monitors to get a 360° view of the data.
  • Create and assign actions without leaving the screen; attach files and source notes to provide robust documentation for reference

Unlock the Potential of Unified Clinical Data with ThoughtSphere!

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